Saturday, July 15, 2006

Climbin' the Gunks

My co-worker Evan is a rock climbing nut. He took another co-worker, Juan, and me up to the Shawanagunk Ridge a couple hours upstate. We had a really good time, although rain cut the climbing a little short. I was equally excited just to get out into the woods a little bit and hike around. Too bad I don't have a truck anymore :-)
This is me with the big boy harness on, getting ready to climb...

Here's me scaling the wall like Spidey. Each of the different climbing routes have their own name. I believe this was named after some sort of breakfast food.

Monday, July 10, 2006

They pay me to do this...

I took my camera out with me on one of my Thursday night sailing classes that I teach. It's a pretty cool to teach sailing someplace where you can say "Just steer towards the Statue of Liberty for a while."

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

4th of July

We watched the fireworks down by the Brooklyn Bridge this year. Macy's puts on quite a show. These were taken with my cell phone.

The skyline after the show.

Monday, July 03, 2006

The other Long Beach

Does every state on the ocean have a town called Long Beach? Anyways, this is Long Beach, NY. We took the Long Island Railroad from Brooklyn to Long Beach and had a nice day walking the boardwalk and checking out the town. The beach is nice and clean, partly because you have to pay $7 to get onto the sand. A strange concept for Californian.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

More Coney Island photos...

I know I have a lot of Coney Island photos on this blog, but I love the place and I think it makes for interesting photos (and I usually seem to remember to bring my camera). Katie's parents gave us some tickets for the Cyclones game and we had a great time. Here are the Cyclones in action with the amusement park in the background...